lunes, 28 de junio de 2010


ive been looking for months any type of clases for numerology crystales plants etc.
i cant find any.
im in mexico..
this is so sad.. i dont know anyone pagan and all i do is reaseacher. and experiment.
but i want some sort of guide :(

wish me luck
blessed be

martes, 8 de junio de 2010

I found it...

my first pentacle..
ill probably buy ALOT haha


lunes, 7 de junio de 2010

My First Altar!

Im so excited.. my very first altar :)
its still missing the pentacle, but i havent found one ive liked..
ahh! so pretty .

viernes, 4 de junio de 2010

loved today!

today i decided to go n look for brushes and for a walk
so i did and found a little beautiful cute art supply store in this building, which i loved!
i also went to a antique store n bought lavender oil n some quartz.
funny.. every store i went into there were toy witches!
weird.. i loved today!

jueves, 3 de junio de 2010

things I REALLY want

these shoes but in black n white

my airstream!!

vintage hats..


miƩrcoles, 2 de junio de 2010


today i need tips from every witch .. on what topic to investigate..
i probable know the basics on these:
ritual tools
stones gems crystals
a tiny bit of Deities
a bit numerology
law of attraction

i need help...
i want to learn everything i can!.. and living in mexico doesnt help.. there arent much wiccans here...

so please help
blessed be

a bit more

my life has always been surronded by magick
for what i know and remember ive always been pretty happy by myself, i just love the idea of having the time to think
and when ever i would let some one in.. they would coment .. your look, your eyes, etc. look magickal. you look like a fairy. .. once even, a guy came up to me n said.. wiccan! i was like 15 ..didint know what it was.. wasnt interested.
and now i know that i have been living a wiccan life all my life without knowing it
although people had tried to tell me before.
i would scry since i was really young
id collect stone n crystals
talk to the moon every night, even dedictaed my daughter to her
Luna :)
i would practice visualization without knowing it
meditate without knowing it
i remember doing potions in the garden alone haha
i really started casting when i was 13 maybe less
by the time i was 18 i thought i was being really cool by saying : i do what to ever i want. but i always respect every one.
trying to investigate magickal herbs wicca came up
and i was wowwwed!
and now i know ive been a witch for minimum 4 lives in a row
im really glad i found out really young .. cause im only 24
i have a long my to go.
now.. i spend most my time researching reading learing and practicing with my best friend, which has been part of my coven for the past 4 lives.
(we were so excited when we found out)

that was a bit more of my story
blessed be